Like the griots of West Africa, we are storytellers.

whose history includes thousands of years of nourishment. As in a story, we’ve set out on a journey. Weaving our respect for tradition with our vision for a brighter future. Honoring the earth as we nurture our bodies. Sharing the power of the tigernut with everyone we meet.
What does
“elari” mean?
Elari comes from the Yoruba language of West Africa, where the tigernut is grown. It refers to the inner self or “inner seed,” a nod to the tigernut and to our mission to inspire mindfulness around healthy living for ourselves, our families and the planet.

Replenishment & regeneration

Unlike mass-produced monocrops, the tigernut improves soil quality and replenishes diversity in local systems. Both drought- and flood-tolerant, it is extremely climate-resilient, flourishing where other crops (like the almond) fall short.
At Elari, we partner with farms in Northern Nigeria that follow organic agriculture practices to create a sustainable footprint on local soil and groundwater.
We help farmers learn and incorporate natural habitats into their processes, promoting the agricultural self-sufficiency of local communities and improving economies. Together, we honor our heritage while working toward a better tomorrow.

Meet the Founders
Kenny & Sola
While Kenny and Sola’s journey to Elari began at the height of the Covid-19 global pandemic, their story and purpose are firmly rooted in the chaotic, expansive and graceful landscapes of West Africa.
Both emigrated from Nigeria in their teens. Soon after arriving in the states, Sola developed a series of health issues: food allergies, rapid weight gain and nascent chronic high blood pressure. On a trip to Nigeria in January 2019, Sola came across “Kunun aya,” the tigernut drink he’d known as a child. Amazed by his tolerance to tigernuts, he brought some back to the US where Kenny made root milk at home.
Both began a more organic, plant-based diet. Eventually, Sola no longer needed his blood pressure medication. Driven by their experiences to make health and wellness accessible through plant-based products, they launched Elari Tigernut Root Milk.